Tips & Insights

Tips & Insights provides advice on and examples of technology used to simplify and streamline IR activities, as well as real world examples of visual displays of data (e.g., charts, graphs, maps, tables, pictures). These eAIR features are developed by members.

  • Visual Displays of Data
  • 06.18.19

Degrees Awarded Dashboard: University of Southern Indiana

  • by Stephanie Diekmann, Data and Research Administrator, University of Southern Indiana

The Degrees Awarded dashboard is a section in our University Fact Book, which is powered by Tableau. The dashboard represents the number of degrees awarded each academic year and can be filtered by college, department, and major. We have tried representing this information in many different ways, and this approach seems to be the easiest to understand and interpret.

The top visualization is a longitudinal examination of degrees awarded, and the bottom two visualizations break down the total number by degree level (on the left) and degree type (on the right). The top visualization can be used as a filter for the bottom two visualizations.

air_vdd_screenshot_2019-02 (002)

The dashboard also features:

  • an information icon, which gives the user a more detailed explanation of the dashboard;
  • a refresh button, which will set the filters back to the default setting; and
  • a dynamic footer, which identifies which filters were applied.

Total Degrees Awarded 

The entire dashboard is embedded in our fact book here and can also be accessed in our Tableau gallery here.


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