New CAIR Talks Video / Podcast Features AIR President Heather Kelly
The California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) released an episode of its new series, Between Two Presidents, in which CAIR president Rosa Belerique chats with AIR President Heather Kelly. Watch...Read Moreabout: New CAIR Talks Video / Podcast Features AIR President Heather Kelly -
NASFAA Issue Brief Examines Challenges in Student Loan Repayment
In a new issue brief, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) explores the current state of the federal student loan system, including complexities, repayment options available to b...Read Moreabout: NASFAA Issue Brief Examines Challenges in Student Loan Repayment -
The Hope Center Launches Institutional Capacity-Building Cohort to Address Basic Needs Insecurity
The Hope Center recently launched a new initiative called the Institutional Capacity-Building Cohort (ICBC). Members of the ICBC will work collaboratively with The Hope Center to assess, analyze, and address students&rs...Read Moreabout: The Hope Center Launches Institutional Capacity-Building Cohort to Address Basic Needs Insecurity -
CUPA-HR White Paper: Higher Education Workforce Challenges and Opportunities
CUPA-HR has shared with AIR a recent white paper highlighting various challenges facing higher education employees as well as emerging workforce trends. The white paper culminates with nine recommendations for better pos...Read Moreabout: CUPA-HR White Paper: Higher Education Workforce Challenges and Opportunities -
Higher Ed Employee Vaccination Poll
CUPA-HR released in April 2021 poll results highlighting the state of employee vaccinations at higher education institutions. Data includes information on how many institutions have documented policies and provide i...Read Moreabout: Higher Ed Employee Vaccination Poll -
Survey Briefs Shed Light on How IR Has Evolved
The 2018 AIR National Survey of Institutional Research Offices provided respondents with national benchmarking reporting while providing a better understanding of the national state of IR. AIR has published a series...Read Moreabout: Survey Briefs Shed Light on How IR Has Evolved -
Harper Reed on Being a Higher Ed Disruptor, Avoiding Ned Stark’s Fate
eAIR spoke with Technologist and Futurist Harper Reed to about what he considers to be a pivotal moment for higher education and how institutional researchers are uniquely positioned to serve as disruptors—th...Read Moreabout: Harper Reed on Being a Higher Ed Disruptor, Avoiding Ned Stark’s Fate -
Two Recent Resources Provide National Higher Ed Insights
NCES Publishes Latest Digest of Education Statistics In February 2021, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) published the 2019 Digest of Education Statistics, which covers statistics about the 76.1 milli...Read Moreabout: Two Recent Resources Provide National Higher Ed Insights -
In Memoriam: Bill Knight
The AIR community is mourning the loss of a friend, mentor, and scholar. Bill Knight passed away April 7, 2021. Serving most recently as Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Miami University...Read Moreabout: In Memoriam: Bill Knight -
NCES Publishes SLDS Survey Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has published a report presenting aggregate summary statistics of Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) capacity based on state-level response to the 2018 SLDS sur...Read Moreabout: NCES Publishes SLDS Survey Analysis: Descriptive Statistics