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  • Advocacy and Policy FVT/GE IR In The Know
  • 07.28.24

Updates and Resources for FVT/GE Reporting

  • by AIR

Several important updates and resources are now available as many in the AIR community prepare for the federal reporting requirement of the Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment regulations. Continue to check the FVT/GE resource page on the AIR website for updates and resources.

  • On July 23, the Federal Student Aid (FSA) released an FAQ page. New and/or updated items will be marked “NEW.”
  • On July 25, FSA office released the latest update to the NSLDS FVT/GE User GuideVolume 3 – FVT/GE Completers List (Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to each volume of the guide.) This version has been updated for clarity and to provide expanded instructions, including minor updates to the file layout. You can also visit the FSA FVT/GE Topics page for the latest’s updates, letters, and FAQ.
  • The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) has developed a free service to support institutions in reporting FVT/GE information by leveraging the data that institutions already report to NSC as well as their previous NSLDS compliance experience. For more details, dates for informational webinars, visit the NSC FVT/GE webpage.

Visit the AIR FVT/GE Regulations Resources page for the latest news and resources on this topic, or read New Financial Value Transparency Rules for Higher Ed: What You Need to Know (author: Carolyn Mata) for an overview.


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