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  • IR In The Know
  • 03.30.23

More Than Our Rank: A New Initiative to Commit to Responsible Assessment Practices

  • by Baron Wolf, Assistant Vice President for Research and Director, Research Analytics, University of Kentucky

Over the last five years, the International Network of Research Management Societies’ (INORMS) Research Evaluation Group has been working hard to develop new frameworks for assessment and evaluation of research. The working group's SCOPE framework for responsible research evaluation has received global attention. The SCOPE framework has been used by a variety of institutions, has been included in funded NSF research grants, and has been used by governmental funding agencies. For example, the United Kingdom’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a national performance-based funding exercise that occurs every 7-8 years. The joint bodies that make up the REF are now seeking to redesign the assessment and are using the INORMS SCOPE framework as their foundation for this redesign effort.

More Than Our Rank INORMS initiativeRecently, the volunteers on the INORMS Responsible Evaluation Group have spearheaded a new global initiative geared at higher education rankings. The More Than Our Rank initiative has been developed in response to some of the problematic features and effects of the global university rankings. It provides an opportunity for academic institutions to highlight the many and various ways they serve the world that are not reflected in their ranking position. This initiative is meant for every academic institution, whether ranked or unranked, top 10, or yet to place. It is an initiative for institutions that are proud of their ranking position but also recognize the limitations of the indicators used, and for those that feel the rankings do not reflect their strengths or institutional mission. Every institution in the world is much more than their rank. This initiative is simply an opportunity to publicly say so and explain why.

Why participate? By participating in the More Than Our Rank initiative, academic institutions are demonstrating a commitment to responsible assessment and to acknowledging a broader and more diverse definition of institutional success.

How to participate? Institutions that wish to participate can simply sign up through the website, https://inorms.net/more-than-our-rank/, and add the More Than Our Rank logo to their web pages or promotional materials. There is no fee to participate in this global initiative. Academic institutions are encouraged to post a statement promoting institutional activities, achievements or ambitions that are not adequately captured by national or international university rankings. The statements of some early adopter institutions can be viewed online. Individuals who would like to encourage their institution to participate in More Than Our Rank might find the following PDF guide helpful: https://inorms.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/mtor-guide.pdf.

Want to learn more? The INORMS Research Evaluation Group is running Community Calls for those interested in learning more about the More Than Our Rank initiative. The next call, aimed at those in Europe, Africa and the Americas, is being held on Monday, April 17, 14:00-16:00 GMT with a keynote from Associate Professor Leslie Chan of University of Toronto. Both sessions will include contributions from More Than Our Rank early adopters and supporting organizations with an opportunity for questions and discussion.

For more information and to book, please go to https://inorms.net/more-than-our-rank-community-calls/.

Baron WolfDr. Baron Wolf serves as the Assistance Vice President for Research and Director, Research Analytics at the University of Kentucky. In this role Dr. Wolf represents the Society of Research Administrators International on the INORMS Research Evaluation group. Dr. Wolf is the principal investigator of a National Science Foundation research study (#2215223) that focuses on best practices in the use of data-informed decision making with in the research enterprise and an assessment of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics annual Higher Education Research and Development Survey, which utilizes the INORMS SCOPE framework. You can reach Dr. Wolf at baron.wolf@uky.edu with questions about the SCOPE framework or the More Than Our Rank initiative.




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