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  • IR In The Know
  • 06.16.20

How Will COVID-19 Affect Community College Funding?

  • by eAIR

Reports & Tools

How Will COVID-19 Affect Community College Funding?

This report from the Community College Research Center analyzes IPEDS data from similar economic crises to consider how COVID-19 as a public health and economic crisis will impact community college funding.

An Education on Hard Realities Facing Higher Ed

A long-simmering disruption in higher education is boiling over as coronavirus upends campuses and budgets across the United States. (Source: Hamilton Place Strategies)

Leveraging Feedback Experiences in Online Learning

Feedback is a powerful construct in the design of quality online learning, and quantified dimensions of learners’ feedback experiences can be leveraged to improve effectiveness, increase efficiency, and maintain appeal in online courses. (Source: EDUCAUSE)

A New Way to Measure ROI

This report discusses an alternative formula to measure ROI and value for students enrolling in higher education: the Price-to-Earnings Premium (PEP) (Source: Third Way)

Few Students Transfer from Community Colleges to Four-Year Universities

Students are often advised to start college at a public community college as a way to save thousands of dollars on a bachelor’s degree. Only 13 percent of the students who start at a community college transfer and then manage to get a bachelor’s degree six years later. (Source: The Hechinger Report)

Emerging Trends

The Demographic Cliff Is Already Here—and It’s About to Get Worse

With dire predictions for fall freshmen enrollments making headlines, colleges and universities are bracing for the financial shock to come. While many are hopeful that even a partial reopening of campuses in the fall will avert worst-case revenue scenarios, they still face a fiercely competitive domestic enrollment market. (Source: EAB)

The End of the Remedial Course

Colleges are pushing reform in remedial courses, many in favor of corequisite remediation. But how will this affect some of our least prepared students? This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education explores the complex nature of remediation reform and student success.

Policy Watch

Federal Appeals Court Defines “Fairness” in Title IX

In what’s been called a ‘pathbreaking’ and ‘profound’ panel ruling, judges from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit on May 29 held that ‘fairness’ as defined in colleges’ processes for investigating and adjudicating reports of sexual harassment means that students are afforded a live hearing and cross-examination process. (Source: Inside Higher Ed.)

Interesting Policy Reads

This post includes articles regarding student challenges related to internet accessibility in the COVID era, a bill that would provide funding for institutions to support unserved and underserved students, intellectual property questions associated with the increased availability of online course content, and privacy concerns around contract tracing data. (Source: EDUCAUSE)

State Lawmakers Wrestle With Scope and Timing of Higher Ed Budget Cuts

To make up budget shortfalls spurred by the pandemic, many states are planning steep cuts to public colleges' funding. But their approaches vary. (Source: Education Dive)

NCES Updates

This Week in IPEDS

Reminder: CIP 2020 Required for Fall IPEDS Completions Reporting

IPEDS reporting institutions will be expected to use the 2020 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)  beginning with the fall 2020 Completions Survey, when institutions report on the degrees and certificates awarded by 6-digit CIP Code between July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020. The CIP website contains a CIP Wizard for assistance with identifying new or changed CIP codes, a detailed Help document, and FAQs.

CIP-SOC Crosswalk Release

The 2020 edition of the CIP-SOC Crosswalk is  a joint effort between NCES and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). It matches codes from the 2020 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)  to codes from the 2018 Standard Occupational Classifications (SOC) to answer the following questions: What job can I get with a certificate or degree in {insert CIP Code}? or What field of study do I need to study in order to be an {insert SOC Code}? The 2020 edition of the CIP-SOC Crosswalk can be downloaded here. Please send any questions about the CIP-SOC Crosswalk to CIP2020@ed.gov.

Collection Schedule for 2020-21

The IPEDS data collection calendar for 2020-21 has now been posted within the Data Collection System under the Help menu, and also on the IPEDS website.


2019-20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20)

NCES is approaching the end of enrollment list collection for NPSAS:20. Institutions selected for the study should register and submit their list as soon as possible to enable the selection of the student sample. NPSAS:20 will provide national and state-representative financial aid, enrollment, budget, and other data for researchers and policymakers. NCES has also recently updated NPSAS:20 to collect real-time measures of the impact of COVID-19 on factors key to student success, such as financial aid, housing, and food security. The NPSAS:20 team offers a variety of options to make participation easier and will work to accommodate individual circumstances however possible. For questions and assistance with your institution’s participation in NPSAS:20, contact the help desk for NPSAS:20 at 855-500-1444 or PortalHelp@rti.org.

New WWC Review finds Positive Impacts among College Re-Enrollment Campaigns

What does the latest research say about programs that support postsecondary success? Not all education research is equal—the WWC identifies well-designed studies, trustworthy research, and meaningful findings to inform decisions and improve student outcomes. This review highlights a study of a community college re-enrollment campaign, adding to over 10,000 existing citations about what works in education.

New Report Examines Future Trends in Enrollment

The NCES annual report, Projections of Education Statistics to 2028, provides national-level data at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels for the past 15 years and projections to the year 2028. Findings include that postsecondary enrollment rose by 17 percent between 2003 and 2017 and is projected to increase another 3 percent by 2028.

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