eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • IR In The Know
  • 05.19.20

U.S. Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Rule

  • by eAIR

Reports & Tools

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis, Part II

A new survey report (A New Survey of College and University Presidents) from Inside Higher Ed on the top concerns surrounding COVID-19 has been released. The report features insights from a variety of college and university presidents. Among the biggest concerns are low-income students, mental and emotional health, and general uncertainty for the future.

Biggest Gap Year Ever?

Roughly one in six high school seniors say they definitely or most likely will change their plans to attend college in the fall because of the coronavirus, according to a survey of 1,171 students conducted April 21 through 24 by the higher education market research firm Art & Science Group. Of those, 16 percent say they will take a gap year.

Yearly Success and Progress Rates

The Yearly Success and Progress Rates report goes beyond traditional student outcome measures by showing year-by-year rates of retention, persistence, transfer, completion and stop-out. The report is designed to help institutions and states better identify and inform effective intervention points to increase student success.

Can We Afford Free College?

This is the second in a series of three articles examining the free college movement and how it could impact the nation's higher education system. This article focuses on the funding mechanisms for free college programs, how different programs are supported, and the financial implications of what presidential candidates are proposing.

Emerging Trends

What Will Happen to Diversity Initiatives?

As the coronavirus spurs an economic downturn, colleges and universities have started to tighten their budgets. But when institutions cut spending, will their diversity and inclusion work suffer?

Redesigning Community College Student Onboarding

The Community College Research Center has released a multi-part report on the implementation of guided pathways as an alternative to traditional student onboarding to increase student engagement, retention, and program completion. The reports include case studies from three community colleges who have utilized guided pathways to promote student success.

Policy Watch

U.S. Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Rule

Following efforts started by the Trump administration in the fall of 2017 to remove Obama administration guidance on the handling of campus sexual harassment and assault and overhaul the regulations, the U.S. Department of Education has released its final rule, with extensive changes to Title IX regulations. Colleges and universities must be in compliance with the rule on August 14, 2020.

Amid COVID-19, Doubling Pell Grants Next Urgent Need for HBCUs

The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) is soon going to pitch for doubling Pell Grants so Black and other minority students consider attending college an attractive option despite the widespread economic havoc caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Industry Outlook Report: Shifting Expectations Among Higher Ed Institutions

The challenges facing today’s higher education landscape are unprecedented. Shifting expectations of next-gen students and the strain of adapting to a new standard of business are just two of many changes institutions must maneuver.

Reimagining Workforce Preparation

The U.S. Department of Education plans to distribute $127.5 million as part of its Reimagining Workforce Preparation grant program. While there has not been specific guidance on how these funds are to be utilized, the announcement stated that “The Reimagining Workforce Preparation Grants are designed to expand short-term postsecondary programs and work-based learning programs in order to get Americans back to work and help small businesses return to being our country's engines for economic growth.” Workforce and State economic development agencies, in addition to Higher Education Institutions, will likely be able to apply.

NCES Updates

Postsecondary Certificates and Associate’s Degrees in Occupational Education

This new set of web tables examines trends in subbaccalaureate occupational education from 2005-06 to 2016-17. The tables focus on the institutions that award subbaccalaureate occupational credentials (certificates and associate’s degrees), and on the number of such credentials awarded, overall and in 10 occupational fields (e.g., business, consumer services, health sciences).

Two New Data Points: High School Career and Technical Education (CTE) Students

The CTE Statistics website has two new Data Points focused on educational outcomes and employment outcomes for high school CTE students.

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