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  • Board Corner
  • 05.19.20

AIR Forum Virtual: A Premier Event

  • by Martin B. Fortner, AIR President

As you may be aware, the annual AIR Forum scheduled for later this month in Newmartin-fortner Orleans was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, AIR is hosting a premier event in its place – a virtual conference for higher education champions of data-informed decision making. I wholeheartedly encourage your attendance and participation at AIR Forum Virtual, June 29–July 1, 2020. Registration is now open on the AIR website.

The virtual venue provides a platform for our professional community that reflects the “new normal” created by COVID-19. Most importantly, the virtual conference maintains consistency with our 60-year tradition of convening annual AIR Forums for practitioner engagement, information sharing, networking, and professional development. Such essentials ensure continued professional relevancy and growth for the AIR higher education community. Here are few highlights of our virtual conference:

  • Three days of content curated and taught by subject-matter experts, including sessions addressing the new realities facing IR practitioners
  • An easy-to-use online conference platform featuring a customizable session lineup
  • Opportunities to engage and network with fellow attendees
  • A virtual exhibit hall and the ability to meet one-on-one with sponsors
  • On-demand access to session content and presentations for 30 days following the virtual conference 

Cancellation of the New Orleans in-person event was in the best interest and health of the AIR community. I believe that the alternative digital conference accommodates both the well-being of our attendees and the continued desire for intellectual and professional growth.  

Please join me in registering for AIR Forum Virtual. I look forward to “seeing” you there virtually.

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