eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • Changing Scene
  • 03.24.20

Changing Scene

  • by eAIR

Rassoul Dastmozd has retired as President/CEO from Saint Paul College.

Sarah Fitzgerald is now Assessment Librarian at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Nancy Floyd is now Senior System Director for Research at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Ivana Fredotovic is now Director of Research and Data Analytics, Miami Dade College.

Lauren Friedman is now Executive Director of Reporting and Analysis at Bucks County Community College.

Maren Greathouse is now Associate Director of Diversity and Inclusion Education.

William Griscom has retired as President of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

Teri Hinds has accepted a position with the Minnesota State System as the Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives.

Jeanine Molock is now Director of Institutional Research at CUNY School of Professional Studies.

Larry Nabors has retired as President from Mississippi Delta Community College.

Chris Reber is now President of Hudson County Community College.

Randie Timpe is retired from Mount Vernon Nazarene University as Assistant to the President for Planning, Director of Institutional Research and Accountability.

Laura Urban has retired as President from Alexandria Technical and Community College.

Neena Verma is now Assistant Provost for Academic Data and Decision Support, Boston University.

Risdon J. Westen, AIR Emeritus member, passed away in 2019. He was a recipient of the Outstanding Service Award in 1980 and had been a member since 1966.

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