eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • Board Corner
  • 09.17.19

Participate, Engage, and Connect

  • by Martin B. Fortner, AIR President

As we transition to a new academic year, let me extend well wishes for success. AIR leadership has several upcoming events that will require membership participation and engagement. Briefly, I would like to highlight two specific events that are on the horizon.

Call for Proposals

MartyFConnection and collaboration have been trademark values for the association. On September 18, the call for proposals opened for the 2020 AIR Forum in New Orleans. The AIR Forum is the largest global gathering of higher education professionals working in institutional research, effectiveness, assessment, planning, and related postsecondary education fields. And, as a proud resident of New Orleans, I extend a special invitation for each of you to be part of next year’s Forum and enjoy all that this captivating and historic city has to offer!

Approximately 2,000 higher education professionals attend our annual Forums to seek collaborative opportunities for learning, sharing, and celebrating others; but most of all, for connection. Some professionals have presented their research on factors which affect continued relevancy of IR within higher education.

Knowledge acquisition is a key component of our professional culture. As such, I encourage all higher education professionals interested in data-informed decision making to consider knowledge sharing opportunities with professional peers by submitting presentation proposals for the AIR Forum 2020. 

Listening Sessions 

Expanding on connection and collaboration, several board members will participate in requested listening sessions during scheduled regional and state affiliated organization meetings. Seeking knowledge sharing partnerships with our affiliated counterparts is mutually beneficial to the desired ends for broad community engagement.

Scheduled sessions will focus on policy governance and the board’s recent approval of the Statement on Ethical Principals. Special acknowledgment to board members, Paige Borden, Wendy Kallina, Michelle Appel, Shari Ellerston, Christine Ross, and Heather Kelly, for proactive leadership in coordinating affiliated organization sessions. Their efforts demonstrate AIR’s leadership commitment to inform the direction of the association by our membership voices.

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