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  • Board Corner Board News
  • 08.26.19

What the AIR Board and Executive Office Really Do

  • by Heather A. Kelly, AIR Vice President

Have you ever wondered how the AIR Board of Directors (Board) and the staff of the Executive Office (EO) interact with one another and what they accomplish? The Board and EO have a symbiotic relationship that is based on the values of mutualism where both entities are helped in some way. This type of relationship also exists with the members of the association. The 2018-2019 Annual Report provides detail about these beneficial relationships and reflects the work of the entire association, regardless of who did the work. Highlights of the association’s mutual accomplishments are detailed below.

The association now has new mission and vision statements that promote the value of institutional research and are inclusive of others interested in data-informed decision making that is actionable and will improve higher education. These statements were informed by dialogue with members.

Mission:  AIR is a global association that empowers higher education professionals at all levels to utilize data, analytics, information, and evidence to make decisions and take actions that benefit students and institutions and improve higher education.

Vision:  AIR will be a global leader in the ethical use of data for better decisions.

I encourage you to take a close look at AIR’s specific mission objectives detailed in the annual report, as this can help inform the work on your campuses and within your organizations.

The proposed Statement of Ethical Principles is in the process of being finalized (the comments and feedback period just closed on August 15th). We would like to thank the membership for the thoughtful insights and suggestions we have received. I, for one, believe the principles in the Statement are core to guiding our everyday work situations - so much so that new hires in my office are asked to review and sign that they understand and agree to abide by the current AIR Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. We will continue to do so once the final Statement is adopted. This work is in response to dialogue with members.

You will see from the annual report that the work of the association is focused on “Positioning AIR for the Future” and succeeding in a rapidly changing higher education environment. In order to accomplish this, the association’s Projects & Initiatives focused on four key areas: (1) provide Education & Training, (2) serve as a Knowledge Center, (3) create Community & Networks, and (4) support Advocacy & Policy.

Strategic investments are necessary for the association to be successful in this rapidly changing higher education environment. The association is making specific investments in its technical infrastructure and human capital. The most recent audit disclosed no instances of significant deficiencies and/or material weaknesses in the association’s internal controls. The auditors also noted the association is in a very healthy financial position. The financial report may be found on pages 15 and 16 of the annual report.

The 2018-19 Annual Report is a clear indication the association had quite a productive year. The accomplishments detailed within would not be possible without our valued members. Dialogue with members is key to inform the work of the association and we look forward to continuing these conversations!

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