eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • Changing Scene
  • 07.12.19

Colleague News

  • by eAIR

Jeff Seybert, a longtime AIR member, passed away on June 19. Jeff was a giant in the field of institutional research, especially as it affected community colleges. He was a past recipient of the John Stecklein Distinguished Member Award, an honor reserved for those who have had a profound impact on the practice of institutional research. He will be greatly missed.

Eric Atchison is now Vice President for Strategic Research for the Arkansas State University System.

Annemarie Bartlett is now Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Salve Regina University.

Mary Flagg has retired as Dean of Assessment, Research, and Planning from Reading Area Community College.

Paul Gore has accepted a position as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at Bellarmine University.

Ahmet Unal has retired from Institutional Research at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Robert Zhang retired from Chatham University this past March and is now an AIR Emeritus member.

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