eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • National Survey Data Bite
  • 05.15.19

National Survey of IR Offices

  • by eAIR
How Does Your Office Compare?

The AIR National Survey of IR Offices has collected data from over 1,000 IR offices on metrics such as staffing, compensation, work produced, and clients served.

Complete the survey by June 30, 2019, to take advantage of benchmarking capabilities and to ensure your institution’s data are included in the national report, available in fall 2019.  

Would you like to know more about this project? Visit the National Survey page on our website to learn how to participate in this strategic survey. 

If you're attending the 2019 AIR Forum, May 28-31, 2019 in Denver, Colorado, there will be two main opportunities to meet the leaders of this valuable project.

  • Exhibit Hall (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday): AIR is hosting a booth focused on the National Survey. In addition, during the Welcome Reception (Tuesday, 4:45 p.m.) and the Networking Reception (Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.), AIR staff will be available to discuss the project and answer any questions you may have.
  • Concurrent Session: AIR is hosting a concurrent session on Thursday at 10:45 a.m. (room 109) to show participants the data collection and reporting instrument. We will leave ample time for questions and discussion.
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