Voting, Voting, Voting

Houston, we have a problem and need your help. I know you are busy, so I’ll make this short. Your vote for AIR leadership is important! I am requesting that you take the time to vote now.
The future of institutional research could go in any number of different directions. As the landscape of higher education continues to shift, it is difficult for us to know how our work will change and how best to utilize our knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our elected AIR leaders grapple with those issues every time they meet, and right now you are in a position to influence those discussions by voting for the people who will engage in them.
Lately, voter turnout for AIR elections has been low - and that’s a concern. The Nominations and Elections Committee worked very hard to identify candidates who have the potential to be effective leaders in our Policy Governance structure, with emphasis on:
- Conceptual thinking
- Ability to assert a point of view and support group decisions
- Thoughtfulness regarding the future of IR
- Strong listening skills
- Willingness to learn and abide by the Carver Policy Governance model
- Attention to the diversity of individuals and institutions represented by AIR
We’ve tried to develop a slate that, in combination with continuing Board and NEC members, could yield representative leadership. In addition to biographic and demographic identities, we attended to geography and sector, to the degree we were able, given the nominees. You don’t need to know these candidates to vote; just read their profiles! We are very pleased with the slate. Every single one of the candidates would be a stellar leader, and we applaud them for their willingness to serve you and the AIR membership.
Now, go vote!