eAIR Newsletter Reformat

  • National Survey Data Bite
  • 04.19.18

Data Bite April 2018

  • by eAIR

Last month, we looked at the average number of hours spent by directors and found that data collection and management occupied the largest segment of time, followed closely by analyzing those data and disseminating results. But, does that breakdown differ by sector? This month, we explored how, on average, Directors spend their time disaggregated by sector and found that some tasks vary by sector (e.g., data collection and management, institutional meetings, and office management), while other tasks had commensurate time spent (e.g., disseminating information and professional development). 

NOTE: Data have been scaled to represent number of hours in a 40-hour work week.

Why do directors at private, not-for-profit, 4-year institutions spend more time on data collection and management compared to the other sectors? Why do directors at public, 4-year institutions spend more time in institutional meetings than private, not-for-profit 4-year institutions? And, why do directors from public, 2-year institutions spend more time on data governance than other sectors?

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