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eAIR is the newsletter of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR). From its start in October 1987 to today, eAIR remains one of the most important tools for providing news to the higher education community.
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When uploading a cover letter, please ensure it indicates how your skills and experience fit the position described.
Finalists may be required to complete a simple data project, to be provided after the interview.
Apply on the website, here.
Proactive awareness of federal (IPEDS), state (NYSED HEDS), accreditation (MSCHE, APA, NAAB, NASPAA, etc.), college guidebook and rankings data submission deadlines, instructions, data definitions, and changes from prior years
Extract, develop, or request necessary data in a timely manner
Manage timelines and review all instructions to understand differences from prior year and to ensure data integrity prior to submission
Investigate data quality issues and communicate findings and recommendations to system and process owners
Act as an expert resource to the university community on how changes to New School data process, systems, or elements will impact reporting and possibly rankings
Pro-actively cultivate inter-office relationships across the university
Pursue opportunities to enhance expertise and keep skills/expertise current
Special projects and other related duties as assigned
Bachelor’s degree in data science/analytics, mathematics, statistics, social sciences, or a related quantitative field. Bachelor’s degree in another field with additional training and/or experience in a quantitative field is also acceptable.
Three years’ experience in institutional research where federal and state reporting was included in the portfolio of work
Proven experience with at least one of: Oracle SQL, Tableau, Workday or Banner, project management, and the desire to learn about the others and proven sophisticated Microsoft Excel skills and experience with Google Suite
Ability to work independently and multi-task effectively
Excellent verbal and written communication and careful attention to detail skills
Preferred: Masters degree in data science/analytics, mathematics, statistics, social sciences, or a related quantitative field
Preferred: proven experience with more than one of: Oracle SQL, Tableau, Workday or Banner, project management, Data Cookbook, advanced statistics and/or data analytics
See The New School's benefits here.