2025 AIR Forum Orlando, FL

Presenter Resources

Congratulations on being selected to present at the 2025 AIR Forum! This page is meant to help you prepare for your presentation and address frequently asked questions. 

Preparation FAQ

  • Q: What do I need to know about uploading supplementary resources and handouts?

    A: For Posters: Supplementary materials/handouts summarizing the presentation should be uploaded to the presenter portal at least two weeks prior to AIR Forum and may include a short (5 minute) recording summarizing the content linked with other resources via the QR code printed on the poster.

    For all other sessions: Presentation slides are expected and supplementary materials/handouts summarizing the presentation should be uploaded to the presenter portal at least two weeks prior to AIR Forum. 

  • Q: May I change the content of my presentation or the presenters once it has been accepted?

    A: Proposal reviews and final session selections consider many factors including the number of presenters, their experience, affiliations, and relevance to the content. For this reason, presenters may not be substituted once a session has been accepted other than in extreme circumstances as this materially changes the presentation from how it was originally proposed, reviewed, and scored. Please confirm your presenters before submitting the proposal. The content of your presentation must align with what was originally submitted in the Call for Proposals and any major alterations such as topic, narrative, and learning outcomes must be approved by the AIR Forum team. 

  • Q: Do I have to purchase AIR membership to present?

    A: While AIR membership is not required to present at or register for the AIR Forum, members do receive a significant registration discount. 

    You will have the option to purchase a 12-month individual membership at the same time you register for AIR Forum to receive the membership rate. 

    Or consider the new organizational membership option to share AIR benefits with your entire team! More information can be found at airweb.org/membership/organizations.  

    Note: Pre-conference education presenters do not need to register for the AIR Forum to present. 

  • Q: Does AIR provide any discounts or stipends for presenters?

    A: No. With few presentation spots and plenty of competition for sessions, it is an honor to be chosen to present at AIR Forum. While there are no discounts or stipends for session presenters, you can make the most of your travel funds if you register during the early registration period when rates are lowest. 

  • Q: Is there a template I need to use for preparing my AIR Forum presentation?
    A: We encourage presenters to use the AIR Forum PPT Template for the beginning and ending slides in the slide deck. 
  • Q: How can I make my presentation accessible?
    A: Making sure AIR Forum content is accessible to all is of utmost importance. Please see this article from Microsoft or this article from W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) for accessible presentation tips. Additionally, AIR reminds presenters to use microphones for speaking and taking questions from the audience.
  • Q: Does AIR provide laptops for presenters?

    A: No. You must bring your own laptop with the presentation fully loaded. We suggest you bring a backup copy of the presentation on one or two USB devices in case something malfunctions with your laptop. 

  • Q: Will I have internet access?

    A: AIR typically provides complimentary basic bandwidth wireless internet access to meeting attendees in the session rooms during the AIR Forum. Keep in mind that the basic bandwidth will not support streaming data (including Skype and FaceTime or online videos) or accessing live databases. Higher speed connections are sometimes available for presenters willing to purchase the bandwidth upgrade. For more information, contact an AIR Forum team member at forum@airweb.org

  • Q: What is a scholarly paper?

    A: Sessions supported by scholarly research papers, receive a scholarly paper designation in the session listings. To receive the designation, a scholarly paper of academic nature must be submitted to AIR by May 5, 2025. 

    Please note that the criteria to be eligible for the Charles F. Elton Best Paper Award has been revised. 

  • Q: When are session details provided to presenters?

    A: All presenters will receive their scheduled day, time, and room for their presentation prior to the conference. Cancellations or other schedule adjustments may make last-minute changes necessary. We will notify you if your session is impacted. 

  • Q: What AV support is provided?

    Please see Call for Proposals concurrent session formats for AV specifications for each session type. 

  • Q: What type of room set-ups are provided?

    Please see Call for Proposals concurrent session formats for room set-ups for each session type. 

  • Q: Will there be a conference app?

    A: Yes. All registered attendees will receive access to the AIR Forum conference app to search for specific sessions, build a schedule, play the Exhibit Hall game, take notes, evaluate sessions, view maps, and more. The most up-to-date schedule and general information will be available through the app. Presenters are encouraged to upload a copy of their PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, lecture notes, and any collateral materials for attendees to access through the app. 

  • Q: How can I promote my upcoming AIR Forum presentation?

    A: Presenting at the 2025 AIR Forum is a big deal. We encourage you to promote your session(s) via your social media networks. Check out how to promote your session below. 

  • Q: How are sessions evaluated?

    A: Session evaluations are collected using the AIR Forum App. These evaluations provide attendees an opportunity to rate sessions on metrics like whether the content matched the abstract and if they learned relevant knowledge or skills. Your evaluation results will be shared with you after the conference. 

Important Dates

  • Late March: Presenters will be notified of the date and time of their presentation
  • Early April: Presenters receive access to the presenter portal
  • April 4, 2025: Concurrent session presenter registration deadline
  • May 5, 2025: Final presentation slides, additional resources, and scholarly paper submissions (if applicable) must be uploaded via the presenter portal
  • May 19–20, 2025: Pre-conference Education
  • May 20–23, 2025: AIR Forum 

Promote Your Session 

Presenting at the 2025 AIR Forum is a big deal. We encourage you to promote your session(s) via your social media networks. 

Social Media Tips 

  • Include the hashtag #AIRForum in all conference posts. This will allow the largest number of people to see your messages. 
  • Include the hashtag #AIRForum on presentation slides so attendees can participate in the online discussion. 
  • Mention the hashtag at the beginning of your session and encourage attendees to live-post their thoughts using the hashtag.
  • Provide your X handle so attendees can connect after the session. Check X after your session for additional questions and discussions.
  • Post one hour before your session starts to remind people to attend.
  • Make your slides available to attendees by uploading them to the presenter portal, and then post when they are accessible. 

Sample Posts 

  • Excited to present at the 2025 #AIRForum! Don’t miss my session on (topic) at (time and location). 
  • Don’t miss my 2025 #AIRForum session on (topic) at (time and location). 
  • Happening today! Don’t miss my session on (topic) at (time and location). #AIRForum 

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