PDF Scripts:
- Presentation 1: Effects of High School Math and Science Beliefs on College STEM Degree Interest and Attainment
- Presentation 2: The Role of Faculty Student Interactions on College Student Persistence at Four Year Institutions
- Presentation 3: Socioeconomic Status Related to Employment Income fo 2002 High School Graduates
- Presentation 4: The Impact of Remedial Coursework on Student Persistence and Completion
Participants from the 2019 NCES Data Institute present findings from their research. Learn about the research process that participants used to answer specific questions. Take away key insights from their research that could be applied to your own work.
Recorded March 31, 2021
- Kari Roberts, Florida State University
- Katrina Borowiec, Boston College
- Jinann Bitar, University of California, Los Angeles
- Jill Lansing, State University of New York
- Bethany L. Miller, Macalester College
Learning Outcomes
- Gain insights from research using NCES sample surveys
- Understand the process and methodologies used to develop research findings
- Better understand the NCES Data Institute experience