Help Shape Our Shared Future – Submit an AIR Leadership Nomination By October 22

As fall sets in, we begin another year focusing on the myriad of tasks before us. But let me draw your attention to an important announcement - AIR has opened nominations for the 2024-2025 AIR Board of Directors and Nominations and Elections Committee! This time of year may be hectic, but I strongly encourage you to nominate a deserving colleague (including yourself!)
to serve in a leadership position for our great organization.
NEC Considerations
As a standing committee, the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) strives to continue the good work achieved in prior years. Within AIR’s Constitution and Bylaws, the NEC is charged with developing a ballot consisting of at least two candidates for each open position within the Board of Directors and NEC. This year, members of the NEC extensively discussed how to collect the information needed to identify a representative and well-qualified slate of candidates. We have attempted to balance the need for information while creating a process that frames the nominee’s understanding of the roles for each position. Simultaneously, we hope to minimize the burden on respondents to encourage broader participation in the process.

Considerations for the questionnaire
Nomination Process
Submitting a nomination is simple and straightforward. Visit the AIR website and log in to your MyAIR account or simply click here! You can complete a self-nomination or nominate others by searching the AIR member database for your colleague(s). If you can’t locate someone via the wildcard search process, a manual entry form is available. Nominations from prior years do not carry over into the current year. Multiple submissions may be completed through Sunday, October 22.

Nomination Process
Below are the three questions that each nominee is asked to answer:
- Why are you interested in serving on the Board or NEC? (100-word limit)
- What personal and professional qualities will help you be effective as a leader and serve AIR’s mission? (200-word limit)
- What different perspectives or diverse voices do you think are important for representation on the Board or NEC? And how would you help foster a diverse and inclusive organization to ensure those perspectives and voices are heard? (300-word limit)
Next Steps
If you’d like to learn more about the Board and NEC roles and responsibilities, access the AIR Governance Leadership Opportunities Guide. The NEC welcomes questions about the nominations process. Feel free to reach out to any of its committee members.
Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for an opportunity to help shape our shared future as members of the Association for Institutional Research.
Eric Atchison is Vice President for Strategic Research, Arkansas State University System and AIR Nominations and Elections Committee member– 2023-2025.