Policy and Advocacy

AIR advocates for policies, regulations, and legislation that support the optimization of data access, infrastructure, transparency, and use within higher education. The association also contributes the perspective and expertise of institutional research, institutional effectiveness, and other data professionals in policy and regulatory discussions as well as to support emerging research and innovations that expand the informed use of data and analysis.

Latest Advocacy Activities & Policy-Related News

Ongoing Advisory and Advocacy Work

AIR participates in advisory groups, coalitions, and committees at the national level to support research, policies, and data collections that advance the effective, ethical, and impactful use of data, information, and analytics within higher education. AIR also seeks to elevate the expertise, insights, and experience of AIR community members in the development and implementation of policies and practices 

Abilities and Limitations


  • Partner with other associations or organizations to provide the perspective of data professionals on particular policies, regulations or legislation.
  • Advocate for legislation, policies, and/or regulations that support improved data availability, infrastructure, metrics, and transparency.
  • Provide technical assistance to or educate legislators and legislative staff.
  • Educate members and stakeholders on the (potential) impact of policies, regulations, and legislation.

AIR Cannot

  • Ask a legislator to vote for, against, or amend a specific bill through social media, letters, email, or visits to legislative offices.
  • Mobilize AIR members or stakeholders to take a particular action for or against a specific bill or legislation.
  • Publicly support policy or legislative positions that do not reflect general agreement within the IR/data community.