Questions about individual membership? You’ll find the answers here.
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Individual Membership FAQ
Can my individual membership be reassigned to someone else at my organization?
No. Individual memberships belong to the individual, regardless of who paid for the membership. Therefore, individual memberships are portable, meaning they stay with the individual regardless of their employment status or employer.
How do I know if I qualify for Emeritus or Distinguished membership status?
Honorary members are entitled to waived membership dues and waived AIR Forum registration fees for life. There are two ways to earn Honorary membership:
- Distinguished: Recipients of the John Stecklein Distinguished Member Award are automatically granted Honorary membership.
- Emeritus: Emeritus members must be retired with 15 years of total years of membership (continuous membership not required; may be combination of individual and/or organizational membership years). To apply for Emeritus membership, send a request to
How do I view my orders and invoice history?
Within your MyAIR user account, select your order type on the invoices page at any time to view, print, or pay any open invoices.
I am ready to get started. How do I join?
Click here to join now!
I've left my current position and will begin work at another organization. Can I keep my individual membership?
Individual memberships belong to the individual, regardless of who paid for the membership. Therefore, individual memberships are portable, meaning they stay with the individual regardless of their employment status or employer.
My employer is an organizational member. Can I still be an individual member?
Yes. It is fine to hold individual membership and also access benefits through an organization member. For your convenience, you’d access benefits via both memberships through the same login. Benefits are the same for individual members and employees of member organizations. There are just two differences in accessing benefits as an individual member versus through a member organization:
- Every AIR member is entitled to one vote during general leadership elections and special votes. In the case of organizational membership, the organization holds the membership—and their employees access benefits via that organization’s membership. As such, organizations are entitled to a single vote, representing the entire organization. Those who hold individual memberships are also entitled to a single vote each.
- Individual memberships belong to the individual, regardless of who paid for the membership. Therefore, individual memberships are portable, meaning they stay with the individual regardless of their employment status or employer.
My employer is requesting an AIR W-9 form. Where can I find that?
You may download the W-9 form here. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, please contact
What are the benefits of joining AIR?
AIR is dedicated to helping you thrive. Through professional development opportunities, networking, and pertinent information, we aim to empower you with everything you need to succeed. Explore all AIR benefits.
What are the current dues rates for individual membership?
View current dues rates here.
What methods can I use to pay for membership?
Please see AIR's financial policy for payment options and guidelines.
When will my individual membership be up for renewal?
Individual memberships renew annually from the date of purchase (anniversary date).
Who is eligible for individual membership?
AIR is a home for all higher education professionals who are involved with institutional research, institutional effectiveness, and/or information support for planning, managing, and operating postsecondary institutions, organizations, and agencies.
There are three types of individual memberships:
Professional members are entitled to full rights and benefits of membership, including holding office.
Graduate Student
Graduate student members must be actively pursuing a graduate degree and may not be employed full-time. Graduate student members may not hold office, but have access to all other membership benefits.
Honorary members are entitled to waived membership dues and AIR Forum registration fees for life. There are two ways to earn Honorary membership:
- Distinguished: Recipients of the John Stecklein Distinguished Member Award are automatically granted Honorary membership.
- Emeritus: Emeritus members must be retired with 15 years of total years of membership (continuous membership not required; may be combination of individual and/or organizational membership years). To apply for Emeritus membership, send a request to
Organizational Membership FAQ
Are there discounts for organizations with employees who already have AIR individual memberships?
Yes! If your organization has employees with active (paid) individual memberships, your organization will automatically receive a 20% discount on your organization’s membership dues. (The employees’ existing individual memberships will remain intact through their renewal date, at which point they can decide whether to renew and maintain that individual membership or let it lapse and access benefits through their organization’s membership.)
As an organizational member, can institution team members outside of IR/IE access AIR member benefits as well?
Absolutely! While this option will allow many IR/IE offices to expand access to their entire team, benefits will be available to all employees across institutional functional areas. In fact, we believe wider access will lead to expanded data literacy, greater awareness of the value of IR/IE, stronger professional networks, and—most importantly—enhanced use of data, analytics, information, and evidence across institutions.
Can my association, company, agency, nonprofit, or international organization join AIR as an organizational member?
Yes! Organizations that are not U.S. higher education institutions can join for a flat fee that extends benefits to all their employees. This includes international higher education institutions and organizations. View dues information.
Can our employees also hold individual memberships in addition to accessing benefits through our organizational membership?
Yes! As your organization joins, employees’ existing individual memberships will remain intact through their renewal date, at which point they can decide whether to renew and maintain that individual membership or let it lapse and access benefits through their organization’s membership.
Can students access benefits through our organizational membership?
Anyone employed by your organization may access benefits, regardless of their status as a student. However, undergraduate and graduate students not employed by your organization are not eligible to access benefits through your organization’s membership. Graduate students who are not employees are encouraged to join AIR as individual members at the reduced graduate student dues rate.
Can the system office join as an organizational member?
Yes! A system office can also join as an organizational member, and the system office staff can access AIR member benefits.
Can universities or colleges within one system join as one organizational member?
No. Each university or college within a system requires a separate organizational membership that aligns with its unique IPEDS ID.
Do employees of member organizations receive the same benefits as individual members?
Yes! AIR is dedicated to helping an organization’s employees thrive. Through professional development opportunities, networking, and pertinent information, we aim to empower them with everything they need use data more effectively, efficiently, and ethically. Explore all AIR benefits.
How are organizational membership dues calculated for U.S. higher education institutions?
The annual cost will be calculated based on student full-time enrollment (FTE) and total institutional expenditures, as reported through IPEDS. With nearly 90% of current AIR members working at U.S. college and universities, organizational membership dues were intentionally designed to be affordable, with the different levels reflecting the size and resources of higher education institutions. (Note: For multicampus institutions, each institution with a unique IPEDS ID number will be treated as a separate member organization including the dues calculations.) View dues information.
How is organizational membership handled for institutions with multiple campus locations?
The number of organizational memberships is determined by the number of unique IPEDS ID numbers. For example, if all campus locations are reported within one IPEDS ID number, the institution is considered one organization, and its dues will be based on the aggregated data reported under that IPEDS ID. If each campus location reports under a separate IPEDS ID, each campus location is considered one organization, and each will require a separate organizational membership with a separate dues calculation.
I am a company admin for my organization. How do I manage our membership?
View tips and FAQ here.
I am a voting delegate for my organization. Where do I learn more about my role and how to vote on my organization’s behalf?
View tips and FAQ here.
Is there a maximum number of members who can join under one organization?
No. There is no cap on the number of employees who can access benefits through a single organizational membership.
We are ready to get started. How do we join?
Click here to join now!
What are the current dues rates for organizational membership?
AIR organizational membership dues are designed to accommodate the different types of organizations represented by individual members of our community. With AIR benefits extending to all an organization’s employees, including the IR/IE office staff, an organizational membership is an affordable way to expand data literacy and the effective, ethical, and impactful use of data and analytics for the benefit of higher education, institutions, and students. View dues information.
What if my organization’s staff size changes during our membership term?
Your membership dues will be calculated annually based on student full-time enrollment (FTE) and total institutional expenditures, as reported through IPEDS.
What methods can we use to pay for membership?
Please see AIR's financial policy for payment options and guidelines. Company admins can view specific instructions here.
When will our organizational membership be up for renewal?
Organizational memberships renew annually from the date of purchase (anniversary date).
FAQ for Employees of Member Organizations
How do I update my employer so I can access benefits through their organizational membership?
Log into your MyAIR user dashboard and click on Update Profile. Once there, click on Employment Information and click Update to edit.
- If you have an employer listed whom you are no longer associated with, click the pen icon to edit that employer and add a start and end date.
- If you are adding a new employer, click the plus sign by Add New Employment. Use the Search for Employer field to enter your organization’s name. Hit Enter to search. Click the name of your organization in the pop-up list. Fill in any remaining details including your Title, Role, Unit, and Start Date. Click Save.
- If you have an employer listed whom you are no longer associated with, click the pen icon to edit that employer and add a start and end date.
I am an existing AIR member. Will my account login stay the same?
Yes. If you already have a MyAIR account, simply log in with your existing credentials.
I’d like to access AIR benefits through my employer’s organizational membership. How can I claim benefits?
The way to claim benefits is to add your employer to your MyAIR profile.
My employer is an organizational member. Can I still be an individual member?
Yes. It is fine to hold individual membership and also access benefits through an organizational member. For your convenience, you’d access benefits via both memberships through the same login. Benefits are the same for individual members and employees of member organizations. There are just two differences in accessing benefits as an individual member versus through a member organization:
- Every AIR member is entitled to one vote during general leadership elections and special votes. In the case of organizational membership, the organization holds the membership—and their employees access benefits via that organization’s membership. As such, organizations are entitled to a single vote, representing the entire organization. Those who hold individual memberships are also entitled to a single vote each.
- Individual memberships belong to the individual, regardless of who paid for the membership. Therefore, individual memberships are portable, meaning they stay with the individual regardless of their employment status or employer.
Once I become a member via my employer’s organizational membership with AIR, will I lose my existing individual AIR membership?
No. Your individual membership will remain intact through your renewal date, in addition to having access to your member benefits inherited through your employer.
Once I become a member via my employer's organizational membership, what happens to my individual membership and the years I've accrued?
Once your employer becomes an organizational member, your individual membership status will remain intact through your renewal date, and your membership tenure will include years of individual membership plus any years of AIR membership through your organization’s membership.
Once I connect my profile to my employer, when will I have access to benefits?
You have access immediately, though you may need to log out and log back in for the system to fully recognize your new status.