The AIR National Survey of IR Offices is a comprehensive, longitudinal study of the institutional research and effectiveness (IR/IE) data function within U.S. higher education institutions. The study collects information about IR office structure, leadership, resources, and effectiveness.
This study seeks to better understand and improve IR office operations and efficacy in support of the effective, ethical, and impactful use of data within higher education institutions.

2021 AIR National Survey
The 2021 AIR National Survey collected information about organizational structures, leadership, staffing, and core work functions from 1,142 primarily non-profit colleges and universities across geographic regions, sectors, and institution sizes. The 2021 survey also collected information on data capacity and data literacy, IR contributions to student success, and emerging trends in remote work. Demographic information on office leaders and staff—including gender and race/ethnicity—were collected for the first time during this administration.
Benchmarking Reports
This series of benchmarking reports provides a further level of disaggregation for those needing information at the survey question level. These reports provide comparative reporting by factors like major institutional sector, U.S. region, and total student FTE. In addition, there is a longitudinal comparative report between like items from the 2018 and 2021 surveys.
2018 AIR National Survey
The 2018 AIR National Survey gathered information on organizational structures, leadership, staffing, and core work functions from 1,167 primarily non-profit colleges and universities across geographic regions, sectors, and institution sizes. The 2018 survey also collected information on resources and clients of the IR Office.
2015 AIR National Survey
The first AIR National Survey was conducted in 2015 with funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 2,053 responses were collected from mainly non-profit colleges and universities across geographic regions, sectors, and institutional sizes. Survey topic areas included organizational structures, staffing, and scope of responsibilities.
Survey Instruments and Reports
- Not-for-Profit Data Summary: 2 and 4-year Comparison (PDF) pdf 155 KB
- Survey Instrument for IR Offices (PDF) pdf 168 KB
- For-Profit Data Summary (PDF) pdf 143 KB
- Survey Instrument for Institutions without an IR Office (PDF) pdf 97 KB
- Not-For-Profit Data Summary (PDF) pdf 143 KB
- Summary Report of the National Survey of IR Offices (PDF) pdf 1117 KB