Thank You

  • Thank You
  • 10.16.19

Thank You to the AIR Community

  • by eAIR

Thanks to Kent Phillippe for presenting Community College Enrollment Crisis? Historical Trends in Community College Enrollment at the 2nd IPEDS Educator web conference for the 2019-20 contract cycle, held September 19, 2019. The web conference showed community college enrollment trends over a 17-year period and highlighted the rise in enrollments concomitant with the recession, and the subsequent decline over the past 7 years.

Thank you to our wonderful October eAIR contributors: Michelle Appel, Mary Ann Coughlin, Dai Li, Lisa Smith, and Jazmin Zane

A big thank you to third quarter eAIR IR in the Know contributors, Eric Atchison, Angela Henderson, and Casey Kerins.

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