In preparation for release of the AIR Statement of Ethical Principles, AIR is developing resources that contextualize the principles through examples of ethics in practice.

To that end, AIR is interested in your experiences navigating ethical considerations as a data professional in higher ed. The experiences you share will be used to illustrate how the principles apply to the work of data professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are the ethics principles changing?
    In September 2019, the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Board of Directors approved the AIR Statement of Ethical Principles to modernize the principles guiding our professional community. The Board embarked on an examination of the current Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Code). Of particular interest was how the Code addressed the emerging topics of data analytics, big data, and vendor relationships. It became clear that both ethics and best practices were blended into a single document. Learn more here.
  • Why are you collecting scenarios?
    AIR is developing resources that contextualize the principles through examples of ethics in practice. It’s important that, alongside the principles themselves, we provide information about how to apply those principles in situations germane to the work we do. 
  • Are submissions anonymous?
    Yes. Your submission is anonymous; AIR has no way of identifying who submits information. 
  • What will happen with the scenario I submit?
    The scenarios will inform the resources created to illustrate application of the ethical principles. Submissions may be printed verbatim, edited, combined, or otherwise altered. The information we collect serves to ensure the resulting resources are relevant to the work we do.
  • What kind of scenarios are accepted?
    You may submit a hypothetical scenario or an experience based on actual events, provided it does not include any identifying details.
  • Are there any submissions you will not use?

    Any submissions that include identifying information (names, institutions, unique titles, etc.), characteristics that could result in identification, or sensitive material will not be included, and the information will be deleted from the anonymous collection system.   

  • Is there another way to submit a scenario?
    To preserve anonymity, we prefer submissions be made through the provided collection system. 
  • Who can I contact with questions?
    Contact AIR at air@airweb.org.