• Announcements
  • 06.16.20

RP Group Report, NILOA COVID-19 Survey, and Evergreen Prize 2020

  • by eAIR
New RP Group Student Perspectives Report

Now more than ever, student voices are paramount to informing colleges' COVID crisis response and ensuring students can continue progressing along their higher ed journey. In the culmination of a multi-phased transfer study, Through the Gate, a new framework, paradigm shift, and four powerful factors are revealed—all centered around building students’ transfer capacity and helping to secure their dreams of earning a bachelor’s degree and attaining economic mobility for themselves and their families. Inside the new report, Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate, you’ll find answers to why students close to transferring still struggle to make it to a university, student voices that help us truly understand their transfer needs and challenges, four factors students say they need to increase their transfer capacity, key takeaways including the importance of partnership between our community colleges and universities, and ways to take action now.

NILOA Survey on COVID-19

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) invites you to participate in a survey on COVID-19 focused on assessment-related changes made in spring 2020. As a result of COVID-19, the higher education landscape drastically shifted including changes to assessment related processes, practices, reporting mechanisms, and in some instances assessment of student learning itself. The survey is designed to capture a snapshot of assessment-related changes made during Spring 2020 in response to the sudden shift to remote instruction and to inform future professional development needs. You can complete the short 3-5 minute survey here.  

Evergreen 2020 Prize

The application process for the 2020 Evergreen Prize is now open. Application materials are available on the NILOA website. The $100,000 annual Evergreen Prize identifies and helps scale programs that best help low-income youth access and complete college or vocational degrees. The Evergreen Prize winner also receives a robust promotional push to increase awareness across the nation among philanthropy, media and other non-profits that may want to help scale its programs. The prize is offered by the Greenwald Family Foundation and led by a Steering Committee and Judges Committee that represent leaders from education, philanthropy, and other sectors. Reach out to info@evergreenprize.org with questions.