• National Survey Data Bite
  • 11.19.19

IR Office Locations and Reporting Structure

  • by eAIR

The division that houses the IR Office can affect how that office is structured and the types of work it performs. So, in which division are most IR Offices located? Results from the 2018 National Survey of IR Offices show that 54% of IR Offices at U.S., not-for-profit, degree-granting institutions report to the Provost/Chief Academic Officer while 19% report to the President/Chief Executive Officer and another 7% are housed in an independent IR, IE, Planning division. The remaining IR Offices report to units like Finance/Business, IT, and Enrollment Management.

We also asked Office Leaders what their ideal division is. We learned that only 38% of IR Offices would ideally report to the Provost (a decrease of 16 percentage points) while 39% would ideally report to the President/CEO (an increase of 20 percentage points) and 14% would ideally be housed in an independent IR, IE, Planning division.

Do these results mirror your institution? 


To learn more about the National Survey of IR Offices, please visit www.airweb.org/NationalSurvey.