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The AIR Professional File

Fall 2023, Article 163

Advising at Scale: Automated Guidance of the Role Players Influencing Student Success

Randhir Rawatlal, Rubby Dhunpath

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Although student advising is known to improve student success, its application is often inadequate in institutions that are resource constrained. Given recent advances in large language models (LLMs) such as Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), automated approaches such as the AutoScholar Advisor system affords viable alternatives to conventional modes of advising at scale. This article focuses on the AutoScholar Advisor system, a system that continuously analyzes data using modern methods from the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and statistics. The system connects to institutional records, evaluates a student’s progression, and generates advice accordingly. In addition to serving large numbers of students, the term “advising at scale” refers to the various role players: the executives (whole-institution level), academic program managers (faculty and discipline levels), student advisors (faculty level), lecturers (class level), and, of course, the students (student level). The form of advising may also evolve to include gamification elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to promote student activity levels. Case studies for the integration with academic study content in the form of learning pathways are presented. We therefore conclude with the proposition that the optimal approach to advising is a hybrid between human intervention and automation, where the automation augments human judgment. 


  • Randhir Rawatlal
  • Rubby Dhunpath

Advising at Scale
Date: 2023
Pages: 176
ISSN: 2155-7535