Publication Details

The AIR Professional File

Fall 2023, Article 162

Centering Student Voice in Developing Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence–Embedded Supports

Emily Oakes, Yih Tsao, and Victor Borden

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Accelerating advancements in learning analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities for improving educational experiences. Without including students’ perspectives, however, there is a potential for these advancements to inadvertently marginalize or harm the very individuals these technologies aim to support. This article underscores the risks associated with sidelining student voices in decision-making processes related to their data usage. By grounding data use within a social justice framework, we advocate for a more equitable and holistic approach. Drawing on previous research as well as insights we have gathered from a student panel, we outline effective methods to integrate student voices. We conclude by emphasizing the long-term implications for the institutional research field, arguing for a shift toward more inclusive and student-centric practices in the realm of learning analytics and AI-embedded supports. 


  • Emily Oakes
  • Yih Tsao
  • Victor Borden

Centering Student Voice in Developing Learning
Date: 2023
Pages: 14
ISSN: 2155-7535