Thank You to the AIR Community
Thanks to Kent Phillippe for presenting Community College Enrollment Crisis? Historical Trends in Community College Enrollment at the 2nd IPEDS Educator web conference for the 2019-20 contract cycle, held September 19, 2...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Thank you to Eric Atchison and Carolyn Mata for presenting IPEDS Coordination: Several State Perspectives at the 1st IPEDS Educator web conference for the 2019-20 contract cycle, held 8/26. Participants got to hear from ...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Thank you to the outstanding IR in the Know contributors who submitted articles during the second quarter of 2019: Eric Atchison, Angela Henderson, and Casey Kerins. Thank you to Archie Cubarrubia for presenting U...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Thank you to Nick Hillman who presented Making the IPEDS Students Financial Aid Survey Data Meaningful on May 23, 2019 at the 9th IPEDS Educator web conference for this contract cycle. The session discussed the IPEDS Stu...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Authors who submit materials to AIR publications receive feedback from AIR members. Thank you to the following individuals who reviewed manuscripts submitted for the spring 2019 volume of The AIR Professional File: Doug ...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR/IR Community
Thank you to the April eAIR contributors: Laura Bageant, Matt Grandstaff, Bill Knight, Amanda Kulp, Jospeh Roy, and Tricia Wang. Thank you to Vic Borden for presenting Leveraging the 2018 Carnegie Classification Upd...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR/IR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Thank you to Tyler Davis and Ruth Hammond for presenting Analyzing IPEDS Data by State for the Almanac of Higher Education at the 6th IPEDS Educator web conference for the current contract cycle on February 7, 2019. Than...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thank You to the AIR Community
Thank you to the AIR members who served on the Julia M. Duckwall and Edward Delaney Scholarship Review Committee. Your commitment to helping facilitate the professional growth and development of early career institutiona...Read Moreabout: Thank You to the AIR Community -
Thanks to the AIR Community
Thank you to Nancy Copa, CEDS, for presenting Standardizing Postsecondary to Improve Data Quality this past November at the 4th IPEDS Educator web conference for the 2018...Read Moreabout: Thanks to the AIR Community