​Co-Hosting IPEDS Workshops

2024–25 IPEDS Workshops

AIR has a longstanding history of producing workshops on the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) so that organizations can provide IPEDS training to their members and constituents. These workshops are presented in both in-person and virtual formats. Designed for IPEDS data providers and data users.

Higher education associations, state higher education groups, AIR affiliated organizations, and other groups with members who provide or use IPEDS data may request to co-host an IPEDS Workshop. IPEDS Workshops are designed to accommodate 10 to 45 participants. AIR provides the online registration for workshop participants, a structured curriculum, workshop materials, instructors (including travel costs), and a meeting room. 

Each workshop is offered in conjunction with a co-hosting organization’s existing event. IPEDS Workshops are provided at no charge to a co-hosting organization and individual workshop participants. Funding is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Workshops are built around pre-established training themes and focus on:

  • Understanding the IPEDS collection process
  • Leading an IPEDS cycle on campus
  • Involving campus stakeholders
  • Assuring data requirements and definitions are understood
  • Using IPEDS data tools to do analysis and create various data reports
  • Recognizing the varied needs of data consumers

Contact Us

Questions? Interested in co-hosting a workshop?

Email ipedsworkshops@airweb.org or call 850-385-4155 x2.

Workshop Options


  • IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness

    This workshop introduces the fundamentals of benchmarking to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. It is designed for individuals with little to no experience in benchmarking studies. Participants use data from the IPEDS Surveys, Data Feedback Reports, and the “Use the Data” center at the NCES website to learn about the types of comparison groups that can be constructed. Exercises demonstrate establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and identification of variables to refine comparison groups. 

  • IPEDS Data as the Public Face of an Institution

    This workshop stresses the importance of accuracy and consistency in data reported to IPEDS. Examples of real IPEDS data used in the public domain are incorporated, enabling participants to understand the role of governmental and non-governmental entities in IPEDS reporting. The workshop includes presentations, discussions, exercises, and demonstrations using IPEDS data tools and resources.

  • IPEDS Data Tools

    This workshop provides a hands-on deep dive into the IPEDS Use the Data website to identify which tool to use in various applied research questions. Participants can expect to learn when to use Data Trends, Statistical Tables, Summary Tables, Compare Institutions, and Custom Data Downloads leading to increased efficiency in responding to data requests. We will explore each of these tools and the benefits and limitations of each.

  • IPEDS Finance Training for IR Professionals

    This workshop is designed for data professionals who have no training in finance or accounting and focuses on a general understanding of higher education finance with an overview of where, how, and why IPEDS Finance data are used. Topics include an introduction to higher education finance; Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) vs. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB); key accounting concepts; a review of general-purpose financial statements and how they relate to the IPEDS Finance survey; and reporting comparison challenges. Exercises provide participants with experience completing the IPEDS Finance survey and benchmarking with commonly used finance variables. 

  • IPEDS Human Resources Training

    This workshop prepares individuals to accurately complete the IPEDS Human Resources (HR) survey. It is designed for IR and human resources professionals, as well as other researchers or administrators who want to increase their understanding of these data. Topics include preparing data to increase consistency within the survey, understanding data definitions, classification of employees and alignment of employee function with Bureau of Labor Statistics Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes, coordination of effort between stakeholders in and outside of an institution, and planning for efficacy of data beyond the IPEDS HR survey itself. Exercises cover classifying employees properly, preparing for and completing the IPEDS HR survey, and benchmarking with commonly used employee metrics.

  • IPEDS Student Financial Aid and Cost Survey Training

    This workshop provides foundational training for completing the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) Survey and the new IPEDS Cost Survey (CST). Participants will learn to manage, store, and extract financial aid data. Key financial aid concepts, creating frozen data files, and accurately completing the SFA survey will be covered. Additionally, the workshop includes a review of the new CST requirements, as well as best practices for collecting, reviewing, and submitting CST data to ensure accuracy and timeliness. Participants will understand the shift of certain cost information from the SFA to the CST survey. The training also explores leveraging these files for internal reporting and understanding the use of IPEDS financial aid data for external purposes and benchmarking.


  • Best Practices for Reporting and Using IPEDS Data to Improve Office Efficiencies (In-Person Only)

    This workshop provides intermediate-level keyholder training, and is specifically designed for individuals who have led IPEDS data submissions at their institutions for at least one full reporting cycle. It features best practices in IR, as well as technical efficiencies in data management through Excel and in review and submission of IPEDS survey data. The workshop expands on the use of IPEDS data for benchmarking to address key institutional questions and needs. Participants should have experience with the “Use the Data” section of the NCES website, and a working knowledge of Excel. 

    Note: IPEDS survey component submission instructions and basic benchmarking concepts are not covered in this workshop.

  • Beyond Compliance: How to Use IPEDS Data to Examine Student and Institutional Success (In-Person Only)
    This workshop is designed for individuals interested in utilizing IPEDS data to examine and measure student and institutional success. The first half of the workshop explores the five IPEDS surveys that contain academic performance metrics (Completions, Graduation Rates, 200% Graduation Rates, Fall Enrollment, and Outcome Measures).  Through group discussion, activities, and lectures, participants will learn what the measurements can—and cannot—tell us about student and institutional performance. The second half of the workshop will involve hands-on activities to work through a series of case studies based on real-life scenarios. Participants will identify the question being asked in each case study; determine the best metric(s) to use to answer the question; extract data using the IPEDS tools; perform analyses; and present the data to answer the question.  Participants will gain the knowledge needed to explore and answer questions at their institutions or organizations. 
  • New Keyholder Workshop

    This workshop provides essential beginner-level training and a thorough introduction to the IPEDS data collection cycle and reporting requirements. Workshop topics outline keyholders’ roles and responsibilities and highlight the resources available to assist in the IPEDS planning and reporting processes. Participants are given the opportunity to create an IPEDS planning calendar for the upcoming data collection cycle. Additionally, this workshop serves as a valuable professional networking opportunity for institutional researchers in their new roles.